Time for Taxes… A Month Ago

Did you know the LLC tax return deadline is now March 15th instead of April 15th?

Me either!!!

I met with an old colleague from public accounting to go over our tax filings for the LLC and Joel and I as sole owners. Kinda funny for a CPA to hire a CPA to do her taxes but Tax and Audit (and even private) are completely different beasts!

It is a funny  degrees of separation situation too! I got a tax contact through our neighbor and broker who got us our life insurance. I talked to that contact early on for some guidance and reached out again for taxes. He is swamped and passed me along to a colleague of his that he trusts and it turns out to be someone I worked with at Fust Charles Chambers! How funny right?!? Anyway, I am glad that I know him and have some level of comfort with him compared to a complete stranger.  Now we just need to get moving since our LLC taxes are late HAHAH


One thought on “Time for Taxes… A Month Ago

  1. See! Things are looking up! They are starting to fall into place. For some reason God didn’t want to open this soon, so better plans are being laid!


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