Making New Friends

After we returned to the states last week we drove to visit a very dear friend of ours in Poughkeepsie for a night before making the last leg of our trip home.  Since Poughkeepsie is really not too far from Albany we decided to check out a bottle shop before hitting the highway.

We stopped in at Oliver’s Beverage Center and had a wonderful experience!! We talked all about our plans: location, size, distributors, POS systems, tricks of the trade! They were super helpful and told us we better start diving into our POS system now! It takes forever to set up and learn.  They even said that if we hadn’t already purchased one, we could have gotten the one they used and they could have sold us their inventory list.  That way we wouldn’t have to set up THOUSANDS of SKUs… I never would have thought of that and now I really wish I had.

Another lesson learned.

I did get some business cards though and they offered to help in anyway they could.  They said I could even just call with POS questions and if we want to place orders through them for items they get from NYC distributors we can set something up.  This is super exciting since Joel and I have talked about trying to do something like that for a while for the beers that are locally distributed but in high demand.

Anyway, if you are ever in the Albany area they have an AMAZING selection! Check them out.


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